Thursday, July 24, 2008

Posters at the Kotel

I don't want to get into politics, because I didn't start a blog to express my political outlook on things. However, this isn't exclusive to politics, it concerns B.O.'s visit to the kotel. His compaign apparently put up political posters at the entrance to the kotel.

This REALLLY bothers me. Its one thing to go and visit the Kotel and pretend to give a crap about a religion, its another to go and make it an official compaign. I feel theres a certain church/state separation that politicians should respect when they visit holy sites.

Putting a kippa on, fine.
Putting a letter into the wall? fine.

Putting up posters in a super holy site? A bit intrusive.

And I'm not saying this exclusively about B.O., but about ALL politicians.



Originally From Brooklyn said...

Na. He just wants to ensure that God gets the message loud and clear. With the notes being swept out, he wanted something that God would really take notice of. lol.

frumskeptic said...

such a bad move. wow. I don't understand how a politician trying to gain the respect of a group of people would go and compaign so openly at one of their holy sites.

It just shows such a complete lack of respect towards the holiness of the site.

Dave said...

In fairness, the signs were on the barricade, not on the wall or any permanent structure.

frumskeptic said...

dave: I know. I saw the pix. It definitly would've been worse had they put it up on a wall in the area, but its still such a bad move. So disrespectful. I wouldn't like going to the kotel and seeing political posters up. ITs just so not right. I guess its a sensitivity. And I'm REALLY into politics.

Skeptic said...

I love your blog. I think I agreed with everything you said. How are you twenty and you have a bachelors already? You must be some genius lol.I also don't like Barack Obama and his stunts. Let him back his mouth up first. Talk is cheap.

frumskeptic said...

ophir: Thank you :-)

Ookamikun said...

What he should've done is make some "vote for Obama" kippas and distributed them for free.

He should go campaign in Mecca.

David Staum said...

I agree that it's tasteless, but I'm sure Obama didn't direct anyone to put them up himself. Probably some American-Israeli supporters got overenthusastic.

Nevertheless, since it is his campaign, Obama is ultimately responsible and someoe from his campaign should apologize.

Doesn't alter my generally favorable impression of Obama though - just that some people lower down in his campaign lack judgement.

Skeptic said...

dys- how could you like Obama? what experience does he have? 4 years in the senate? c'mon. Also talk is cheap. Let's see what actions he does besides some photo ops.

Anonymous said...

I agree. But it goes both ways - people who aren't running for the Presidency aren't likely to have their personal notes to G-d made public by yeshiva students.

realistic viewer said...

hey you started using "B.O" :)

Ookamikun said...

BO...that just gave me a great idea...more to come

Ookamikun said...

And here's the idea!